Ghulam Mustafa Shad سائنس کی دنیا: **


Computer Notes

Teaching Point


Com                Computer Technology is growing with unbelieving speed, keeping its broad prosperity , usage and network services (at working level) it is switched Into Information Technology  (IT). Today PCs are very much common device, found in two format , DESKTOPS OR TOWER BASE COMPUTER are every where and other are mobile type of PCs called LAPTOPS, they are specially made for mobile working purpose. There is another thing, which has combined all PCs as a one unit is called NETWORKING. Here we will learn PCs HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, and then NETWORKING both LAN & WAN and all other peripherals i.e. PRINTERS, PLOTERS, SCANNERS, EPP/SCSI DEVICES, ADVANCE STORAGE DEVICES.


            Computer is an electronic machine, which takes data as input, process it and provides useful information as output. There are hundreds of computer types PC is one of them. PC consist of two component one is physical called HARDWARE other is logical called SOFTWARE. Hardware is made in Electronic factories with the help of FIRMWARE (Company Software’s called BIOS, it is part of all hardware’s) these factories just prepared them for the people’s Usage. And if we wish to use them we should have A special type of software, which called OS (Operating Sytem) when one doesn’t have OS or OS like software, he should be unable to use PC. When an OS is installed in a PC we should have other software’s to utilize best of it. We can find more then 27 OS in the world of software but very few are famous. The OS have become base of latest OS are UNIX & DOS. Unix is pretty old to use now a day its latest forms are in the shape of  SUN OS, Linux suppose to be best environment. Dos was first converted in win3.1..win95,win98, then it is suppose to be dropped from the whole world due to its limitation but so for it is impossible or we can say its difficult to get rid with this giant as it should have to use DOS while installing software in a System. There are another OS called OS/2 similarly Apple Macintosh Pc uses Mac OS.


            We should have four things in mind if we wish to understand PC TROUBLE SHOOTING in depth. While working with hardware’s we should keep our mind concentrated ever we loose concentration there we destroyed the components.


            Working with PCs it is essential that we must aware with following items related with PCs. A pc is ever consist of a Display (Monitor), CPU, Keyboard,  Mouse it should required some other peripheral components like Printer, Plotter, Scanner, WEB CAM, MULTIMEDIA Devices EPP/SCSI  like storage devices. A learner should have strong knowledge about following pc component and the related components
    • Keyboard
    • Mouse
    • Monitor
    • Motherboard
    • Extension boards (Daughter Boards)
    • Internal & external storage devices
    • Memories
    • Common & Special types of ICs
    • Multimedia devices
    • Communication devices
    • Printing devices
    • Scanning devices
    • Jumper Settings of Different Hardware
    • Web Cam
    • EPP/SCSI Devices

2.         TOOLS & THEIR USAGE

            Before starting trouble shooting it is obvious that we should be aware all type of tools & equipments which involves during repair & maintenance here is list of all tools & equipment involve during repair and maintenance.
    • Solder kit
    • Screw driver sets including TOREX type of screw driver sets
    • Multi Meter
    • TWISERS of different types
    •  Electro Static Strip
    • Electronic toolkit
    • ICs testers
    • WD-40 and Head Cleaner
    • Pliers specially Nose Pliers
    • Oscilloscope


            When finding problems we should have to be concentrated, silent and in a easy position and once you find a problem check it out and hold on it, to reach the problem you should have to be logical, calculative and to make comparisons at very sensitive level. After taking decision you should reconsider the decision you have taken about problems. There are three types of trouble shooting :-

  • Hardware level Identification of problems
  • Electronic level Identification of components problems
  • Software level Identification of problems

4.         SOLUTIONS

            All type of problem can be regenerated if they should not be treated or taken properly, sometime damages can be occur, So it should be confirm that the diagnose should be at its top level and treated well.

Models of Computers.

PCs Models are changed time by time following is a list of pc models:-



XT-80055 & 80088

12 MHz



20 MHz

80386, 803863 X & 803860

25~ 40 MHz (Max)

80486 & 80486 SX

40 MHz

80486 DX/2

66 MHz

80486 DX/4

100 MHz

80486 DX/5

120 MHz

AT/ATX- 80586, 806 X86

150 MHz ~ 233 MHz

Pentium & Pentium = Pentium+1

 150~200 MHz  & above

Pentium II

250 MHz


233 MHz- 3.2 GHz

Pentium – III

350 MHz ~ 900 MHz

Pentium- IV

1GHz ~3.2 GHz


1.       CPU

            A PC CPU can be divided into three parts, just to understand the whole idea of CPU.

  • Front Panel (side)
  • Backside
  • Internal Structure
            a.         Front panel (side)

(1)        Power button

(2)        Restart Button

(3)        3 x LEDs

(a)        1 x Red                       Activate (Engagement)

(b)        1 x Yellow                  Dangerous
  •       1 x Green                    OK Function
            b.         Back side

Backside of a computer is a very busy area of a pc, every external component of  should have to connect from back side of  a Computer. We will learn here All type of external connector found back side of a computer.

            (I)        Power supply connector
            (II)       VGA Connector  (Female)

15 hole (5x3)

            (III)     Serial Port

9 pin (5x4)

            (IV)     Parallel Port  (Printer Port )

25 hole (13x12)

            (V)       LAN Card     -           If some different parts are fixed in a                                                                          group   Will RJ-45 connector or NIV

            (VI)     MODEM /Fax Card

(RJ-11 4x connection ).

Sound Jacks (2x)

Text Box:

                    (VII)  Audio / Sound Card.              This card is used for                                       audio/ sound and game.

Audio Jacks……..

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